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How does a split stay at Disney World work (and is it worth the hassle)?

How does a split stay at Disney World work (and is it worth the hassle)?

There are lots of reasons you might think about staying at a couple different resorts while on a trip to Disney World.

Maybe you just can’t decide between 2 resorts, or maybe your heart screams “POLY” while your budget screams “POP.”

Whatever the reason, a split stay at Disney World is a popular option for many families, but if you do it wrong you may wind up wasting money and causing yourself unnecessary headaches.

So, before you decide to book one for your next trip, check out the info below to learn everything there is to know about how split stays work.

What is a split stay at Disney World?

Don’t feel embarrassed if you don’t know what a split stay means. I will be the first to admit that I didn’t when I first started planning trips to Disney World; it just wasn’t a term I was familiar with back then.

wilderness lodge resort

Truth be told, you can book a split stay anywhere you vacation; they just seem to be more prevalent for people traveling to Orlando. And, the term “split stay” isn’t even necessarily the term Disney uses. It’s just kind of what people started calling it and the name stuck.

Simply put, a split stay means that you’ll be splitting your vacation time at Disney World (or any destination) between 2 or more resorts at that destination.

There are many different ways that can look, but if you are thinking about doing it, you’ll definitely want to spend some time planning out your vacation or else you may find yourself in a pickle when it comes time to book Advanced Dining Reservations (ADRs) or Enchanting Extras.

Even things like booking a Disney World Vacation Package vs. booking room-only reservations need to be thought through or else you’ll wind up paying more than necessary.

More on all of that below.

Why do people book split stays?

There are lots of reasons people may book a split stay at Disney World, but the most popular reasons we see are:

  • They can’t decide on 1 resort so they opt to book 2 (or more).
  • They want to splurge on a more expensive resort for a few nights of their trip.
  • The resort they wanted was only available for part of their trip.
  • They are traveling to Disney World for a conference or convention and want to move to a different resort after that is over.
  • They like to stay in resorts near the parks they are visiting, so they move resorts to accomplish that.
Yacht Club

What do split stays look like?

You can combine resort stays a dozen different ways but the main ways are:

  • resort 1 (onsite) followed by resort 2 (onsite) OR
  • resort 1 (onsite) followed by resort 2 (offsite) OR
  • resort 1 (offsite) followed by resort 2 (onsite) *not recommended

Keep in mind that for every onsite reservation you make you’ll have to pay a deposit.

So if you’re staying at 2 Disney World resorts, you’ll pay 2 deposits. Want to try 3 different resorts? You guessed it: you’ll pay 3 deposits.

There isn’t any way around paying multiple deposits, so keep that in mind when you are planning your trip. For every package you book (meaning you’re booking room + tickets or room + tickets + Disney Dining Plan), you’ll pay $200. And for every room-only reservation, you’ll be paying the first night’s room rate.

Note: if part of your split stay will be offsite, be sure you confirm the deposit policy with that hotel/resort before booking.

Should you book a split stay as a room-only reservation OR as a package?

The most simple way to do a split stay is to book 2 (or more) room-only reservations at a Disney Resort and then purchase and link your tickets to your My Disney Experience account separately.

Things get a little bit trickier when you are booking packages. It can be done, but booking things in the wrong order is the most common way people wind up paying more (sometimes a LOT more) than they needed to.

Disney tickets have staggered expiration dates based on the number of days the ticket is purchased for, so double-check the days you want to use your ticket fit within the valid use dates.

Here’s how that looks for both packages and room only reservations:

Tickets with a package

If you plan to book a Vacation Package with tickets, we highly recommend you purchase your tickets for your entire trip with your first reservation, and here’s why:

Disney prices their tickets so that the cost per day dramatically decreases the longer the ticket length.


No matter the length of your stay, you can book up to a 10-Day Theme Park ticket with your package. So, to keep from overpaying, when planning a split stay where you will be purchasing your tickets with a package, make sure you buy enough days to cover your entire trip with your first reservation.

Pro to purchasing your tickets with a package:

  • If you decide to cancel your trip, as long as you are outside of the current cancellation window you won’t lose any money.

Con to purchasing your tickets with a package:

  • You aren’t able to shop around for any discounts on your tickets.

Tickets with room-only reservations

If you plan to book a room-only reservation first – unless you are traveling with an Annual Pass – you will need to purchase your tickets separately and link them to your My Disney Experience account.

And, just like with a package, you’ll want to make sure the tickets you purchase have enough days on it to cover all parts of your group’s split stay.

Pro to booking a room-only reservation:

  • You are able to purchase your tickets from any of a number of reputable sources (which may save you some money).

Con to booking a room-only reservation:

  • Tickets purchased outside of a package are non-refundable if you need to cancel your trip.

How does the Dining Plan work with split stays?

Most people think that they have to purchase tickets in order to book the Dining Plan but, in most cases, that isn’t totally correct.

While it is true that you can’t book a ticketless package with the Disney Dining Plan online, you CAN do it by phone.

Keep in mind that some promotions (like Free Dining) have rules that mandate the purchasing of tickets, but outside of those, any guest can book a ticketless package with the Disney Dining Plan by calling Disney directly to book.

Thinking about booking with a travel agent? They can book a ticketless package for you, too.

The lesson here is:

If you are planning on purchasing the Dining Plan, make sure you don’t accidentally spend more than necessary by purchasing tickets that you don’t need. 

How do Dining Plan credits work with split stays?

Split stays are treated as 2 totally separate reservations. They aren’t linked at all, so that means your Dining Plan credits won’t carry over from the first reservation to the second.

With split stays and the Disney Dining Plan, there are a couple of things to keep in mind:

  1. Disney Dining Plan credits expire at midnight on the night you check out of your resort, so you can’t save credits from one reservation and have them carry over to the next.
  2. You can’t access any new Dining Plan credits UNTIL you have used up all your credits from a previous reservation or until your original credits have expired, which for a split stay, would mean midnight of your check-out/check-in date.
California Grill

Which should come first: a Disney World Vacation Package OR a room-only reservation?

If your split stay is only onsite, it really doesn’t matter if a Vacation Package comes first OR a room-only reservation comes first UNLESS you are booking a promotion (like Free Dining) that requires you purchase a ticket.

In that case you should always, always, always book the Vacation Package first; otherwise, you won’t have access to your tickets until you check-in for your Vacation Package reservation.

(Click image to view larger size.)

Split Stay booking combinations

What do you do with your bags on a split stay?

While you are on your split stay, what to do with your bags is one of the biggest logistical hurdles you’ll need to deal with.

Fortunately, Disney makes it relatively easy to get your bags where they need to be, but that doesn’t mean it is totally hassle free.

When it comes to moving your bags to your next resort, you’ll have a couple of options:

Use Bell Services at your resort to move them

To use Bell Services, you either take your bags down to the desk or call and have Bell Services come to pick them up from your room, and then they handle moving the bags to the next resort.

Pros: This is the most hands-off way to handle the transfer.

Cons: While the service is free, you will need to tip the Cast Members that handle your bags and your bags may take awhile to arrive to the next resort. Also, in most cases, when you get to your next resort you will need to call Bell Services there to ask for your bags to be delivered (which means more waiting).

Pop century luggage transport

Move your bags yourself

We only recommend that you use this option if you have a car at Disney World or if you don’t mind paying for an Uber, taxi, or Minnie Van.

On the morning of your check-out/check in, just load up your bags yourself and head over to the next resort. When you arrive you can drop your bags off at Bell Services there (if your room isn’t ready).

Anxious to get to the parks?

If you don’t have time to transfer your bags before you head out for the day you can drop your bags off at Bell Services at your first resort and then pick them back up before you head over to your new resort.

Pros: You have more control over when you see your bags next (you don’t have to worry about waiting for them to be delivered).

Cons: If you have lots of stuff plus lots of people, it can be a hassle to navigate with everything.

What about MagicBands?

Remember how up above we said that Disney doesn’t link multiple reservations together when you are doing a split stay?

That means that for every reservation you have at a Disney resort, you’ll have the option to customize MagicBands and purchase at a discount.

Your MagicBands are all linked to you under your My Disney Experience account, so you do not need to have a new set for each reservation. If you want multiple, great! But, it’s not necessary.

Sometimes the system is a bit glitchy on the check in/check out day. If your MagicBand is not working to open the door at the resort you are checking into, you can add it via your resort reservation on the My Disney Experience app or head to the front desk at your resort.

disney's caribbean beach resort Old port royale front desk

We recommend that you always test everybody’s MagicBands whenever you arrive on any trip to make sure they all open the door, especially when you have a split stay.

Will my resort mug work for both stays?

Good news!

The refillable mugs at Disney World are good for 14 days. So if your split stay totals 14 days or less, you’ll be able to use it for both portions of your trip, regardless of if you purchased it OR if it came with the Disney Dining Plan.

refillable mug


There you go! That’s just about everything there is to know about how to do a split stay at Disney World. Is there a question we didn’t answer above? Feel free to ask it in the comments.


Wednesday 18th of October 2023

I am wanting to do a split stay first part at Art of Animation or Caribbean Beach and the other part renting from a DVC member, is this possible?

Shannon Albert

Thursday 19th of October 2023

Yep! Works the same way.

Lisa Cousins

Sunday 6th of March 2022

Im trying to plan a split stay 4 nights at Art of Animation and 3 nights at Port Orleans Riverside. When I try to book a ticket package with the first stay I can only get 5-day tickets but I need 6-day tickets as a package. Should I just do 2 reservation only then purchase my 6 day ticket separately or add a day through my Disney experience app? I also noticed that buying my tickets separately is actually a little cheaper. Will that mess up my chance to get a dining plan later if Disney decides to bring it back? Can I purchase a memory maker in advance without purchasing a package deal?


Thursday 13th of August 2020

Can you do a split stay with a vacation package and DVC rental?


Friday 6th of March 2020

Question about split stay and Extra Magic Hours. If you are doing on site for 3 nights and then off site for 5 nights...are you only able to take advantage of EMH on the days you are at the on site hotel? How do they know you are on site vs off site when you scan if you are booking room only?

Shannon Albert

Sunday 8th of March 2020

Yes, only on the days you're actually onsite. They scan your MagicBand to see if you're a current onsite guest.


Wednesday 29th of January 2020

I don't think this statement is correct anymore: "If, however, you stay onsite during the first part of your split stay, you'll be able to make all your FastPass+ reservations for the onsite portion of your stay at 60 days out BUT then you'll also be able to make your FastPass+ reservations for the offsite portion of your trip at exactly 60 days out, one day at a time, from each day you want to make FastPass+ reservations."

I have a split stay booked for spring break, onsite first (2 days onsite with 4 days tickets) then offsite. I was able to reserve the 60 day FP for the onsite days, but not the offsite. I called Disney and was told the offsite days are 30 day FP.

Amy Kuntz

Friday 31st of January 2020

Hello! I can also confirm that this is no longer the case. I am doing a split stay with a conference in between off site. I was able to secure the first FastPass+ 60 days out and after a three day break, I am supposed to be able to do the second stay at WDW FastPass+ on Sunday. I have two separate Disney hotel stays with a conference hotel offsite in-between with a 6-day WDW ticket. Hope this helps someone in the future!