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What to Pack for a Disney World Trip with a Baby or Toddler

What to Pack for a Disney World Trip with a Baby or Toddler

Worried about forgetting something important for your baby or toddler on your next Disney World trip? We totally get it. Little ones require a LOT of stuff, and it isn’t always easy to find the items you’ll need when you’re away from home.

That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive list of all the things you MIGHT want to bring with you the next time you head to Walt Disney World with a baby or toddler.

Let’s dive in…

Please pin it, save it, print it. Whatever you like. We hope you find it helpful.

Packing for Disney World with Babies and Toddlers

It is VERY difficult to travel light when you have a baby or toddler. Here are items you may want to consider packing:

Don’t forget to check out our Ultimate Disney World Packing List for help packing for your entire family.


  • Diaper bag
  • Diapers and wipes (more than you think you’ll need) OR, if you need to save space, consider ordering them and having them delivered to your resort)
  • Disposable diaper bags
  • Changing pad
packing list checklist

Clothing Items:

  • Lightweight, comfortable clothes
  • Pajamas
  • Light jacket or sweater (if traveling during the late fall or winter)
  • Swimsuit and swim diapers
  • Sun hat
  • Socks
  • Shoes & sandals
packing list checklist

Feeding Supplies:

  • Bottles and nipples
  • Formula or breast milk
  • Sippy cups
  • Baby food or snacks
  • Bibs
  • Portable high chair or booster seat
  • Utensils
  • Wet/dry bags
  • Nursing cover
  • Plastic pool cups w/top & straw
  • Dish soap
packing list checklist

Stroller and Baby Carrier Gear:

  • Stroller
  • Stroller rain cover
  • Stroller fan
  • Stroller tag
  • Stroller organizer or cupholder
  • Baby carrier or sling
packing list checklist

Sleep Items:

  • Portable crib or pack ‘n play (if not using the ones provided by your resort)
  • Crib sheet
  • Favorite blanket or sleep sack
  • White noise machine or app
  • Baby monitor
packing list checklist

Health and Safety:

  • Baby sunscreen
  • Sunblock stick
  • Baby-friendly insect repellent
  • First aid kit
  • Baby-safe pain reliever
  • Hand sanitizer and wipes
  • Baby proofing items (like outlet covers)
packing list checklist

Comfort and Entertainment:

  • Favorite toys and comfort items
  • Teething toys
  • Books
  • Tablet with kids’ apps and headphones
  • Small, lightweight toys
  • Clips to close curtains tight (to block out the light)
packing list checklist

Packing Tips When Traveling to Disney World with a Baby or Toddler

DIY Diaper Kits:

  • Pre-pack individual diaper change kits in ziplock bags. Include a diaper, a few wipes, and a disposable changing pad. It makes diaper changes quick and easy without rummaging through your whole bag. The Baby Care Centers are a great spot for diaper changes.

Don’t Forget the Soap:

  • If you use bottles or sippy cups, don’t forget to bring soap for cleaning them. We like to put soap on a sponge and then cut it up into small pieces after it dries.

Consider Ordering Some Things:

  • To reduce the amount you’ll need to pack, consider ordering things for your room like diapers and child-friendly food to be delivered to your resort.

Rent a Stroller:

Pre-Pack Snacks and Meals:

  • Bring pre-packaged snacks and easy-to-eat meals for your baby. Disney parks have some baby-friendly food options, but it’s always good to have backups of things you know your little one will eat.

Label Everything:

  • Label all your baby’s items, including clothes, bottles, and toys. This helps prevent losing anything and makes it easier to keep track of your belongings.

Portable High Chair:

  • A portable high chair or booster seat can make feeding times in your room much easier. Look for one that attaches to tables or chairs and is easy to clean.

Plan for Naps:

  • Plan your day around your baby’s nap schedule. Consider bringing or renting a stroller that reclines so your baby can nap comfortably while you continue to enjoy the park.

Stay Cool:

  • Florida can be very hot, so plan for ways to keep your baby cool. In addition to a stroller fan, consider cooling towels and frequent breaks in air-conditioned areas.

Download Our Packing List

Recommended Products

Before you leave, check the WDW Prep Amazon Shop for recommended products to make sure you have everything you need.


Thoughts or questions on this ginormous Disney World packing list? Tell us about it in the comments.


Friday 31st of May 2024

This checklist is a godsend, Heather! I’m bookmarking this for our trip next spring. Those feeding supply tips are exactly what I needed. I hadn’t even considered a portable bottle warmer!


Friday 31st of May 2024

Packing cubes! Don't forget packing cubes. They're a lifesaver for keeping baby clothes and stuff organized.


Friday 31st of May 2024

Love this guide! Packing for Disney with a toddler and a baby seemed daunting, but your breakdown makes it doable. Can't wait to try these tips.


Friday 31st of May 2024

Not sure about bringing so much gear to Disney. Anyone else have experience with just renting what you need there? Seems like it'd be easier.

Shannon Albert

Friday 31st of May 2024

You can definitely rent gear! Many of the companies in our stroller rental article also rent baby gear.


Friday 31st of May 2024

This is a lifesaver! Could you also share tips on healthy snacks that are easy to carry around the park? Keeping my toddler's diet balanced while on vacation is always a challenge.

Shannon Albert

Friday 31st of May 2024

Snack ideas: fruit that doesn't require cutting, fruit snacks, granola bars, nuts, Pringles (so they don't break), and crackers.