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Shauna’s trip from Australia to Disney World – PREP199

Shauna’s trip from Australia to Disney World – PREP199

Shauna just traveled from Australia to Disney World for a trip with her family. Hear how it went.

I also have a quick tip about something handy to park in your park bag.


These are notes from this episode. There’s much more info included in the audio so be sure to listen to the episode for a better explanation.

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Links/notes mentioned in this episode

Quick tip of the day

Emailed from Kristen B.:
“I know you suggest bringing a towel in your park bag to dry off seats after rain or claim your spot at a parade.

As an alternative to a bath or hand towel that might be bulky, Turkish towels are a great idea.

They’re super absorbent, but take up a lot less room even thought they are large.

Bonus, they dry pretty fast, too!

They can be on the expensive side, but I have found them on sale on Etsy or Amazon for as little as $10.”

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Kristen Pascoe

Thursday 11th of July 2019

She mentioned a place she sat during the garden view dessert party... do we have details on where that was? I'd love to know I'm catching up on my podcasts now that we are planning another trip. These are the BEST

Maribeth Suhre

Wednesday 10th of April 2019

I'm "binge-casting" and just listened to this one on my way to work this morning- OMG it was my favorite!! I love the accent, the flexibility, how sweet Shauna sounds when she speaks about her parents and Campbell and ALL of the ways that planned and executed this trip! Thank you so much for all you do--love love the site and especially the pod casts. I've been 8 times and taking my husband on a 50th birthday trip (first time adults only trip) in May and have learned so much from you! Great work!!


Wednesday 6th of February 2019

This was one of my absolute favorites!


Tuesday 22nd of January 2019

I am from Australia, and would love to be in touch with Sauna as I am planning a similar trip!! Does she have social media links?


Monday 7th of January 2019

I loved this podcast, I enjoy listening on a regular basis but this was far the best for Australian audience such as myself. I have been very lucky to go to WDW in 2017 and I am hoping to plan another trip with family. I have thought about getting a USA base to organise our trip because it is not the same when using Australia base travel agents who have no access to direct deals. I understand going for 5 weeks is great. Last time we were away for 5 weeks. I wished we had more than 5 days in Orlando. Thank you for this wonderful report.