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Rachel T. did 4 parks in 1 day – PREP180

Rachel T. did 4 parks in 1 day – PREP180

Hear all about Rachel T.’s quick trip to Disney World with her dad where they did 4 parks in 1 day.

I also have a quick tip about the dining plan and travel insurance.


These are notes from this episode. There’s much more info included in the audio so be sure to listen to the episode for a better explanation.

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Links/notes mentioned in this episode

Quick tip of the day

Emailed from Emily F.:
“Just listened to your Rachel Trip Report and she mentioned filing claims with her trip report. One reason we always do the dining plan is because that is also covered by trip insurance as a pre-paid portion of your trip. Last time we were there, I got sick and we ended up with several unused credits. We prorated out the cost of the unused credits and were reimbursed by our trip insurance.”

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Friday 20th of July 2018

4 parks in one day now seems totally doable! Love the idea and I enjoy the 4 pics. Really Loving trip reports! I feel like a trip report junkie- can't get enough.


Wednesday 18th of July 2018

Love listening to all of the trip reports!