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How to report a problem with your Disney World resort room

How to report a problem with your Disney World resort room

If you have a problem with your resort room, your first inclination might be to call from your room down to the front desk.

After all, they have a handy button right there on your phone that says “Front Desk” (I’m assuming. I can’t remember the actual phrase but you know what I mean).

BUT while that is the most convenient, it isn’t likely to get you help the fastest.

You see, when you “call the front desk” from your resort room, you aren’t actually calling YOUR front desk.

You’re really calling a switchboard for ALL the resorts.

And with over 30,000 resort rooms (and growing) it can take a little while for your problem to get filtered down to the people that can help you the quickest.

SO – whenever possible, if you have any problems or issues with your resort room you should head to the front desk and speak to somebody in person.

This isn’t always the most convenient, but it can help expedite the solution!