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Painted medicine bottles = cute coin containers

Painted medicine bottles = cute coin containers

There are lots of opportunities to use coins at Disney World which has resulted in many people using mini-M&M containers to store quarters and pennies on their trip, including me.

Here are ones I made for a trip we took that included some of our nephews and nieces…

Sorry about the bad image quality

The problem with these containers is that they are huge. Each one would require $30-40 in quarters to fill up. That might work for some, but it was more than I ever needed, resulting in stuffing each container with tissue paper to keep the coins from rolling around inside of the containers.

Today, I have a new idea for something smaller that’s easy to personalize for your trip…

Using a tutorial I found for organizing cake decorating supplies, I made these bottles for storing coins on our next trip.


Here’s the simple process to creating these.

1. Gather medicine bottles

I happen to have a lot of these laying around (don’t judge me), but I’ve read that sometimes pharmacies will give you a couple if you ask.

2. Soak them in rubbing alcohol

If you have bottles with labels on them, pour rubbing alcohol in a bowl and submerge your bottle(s) in it for a few hours. The label will peel right off after being soaked for a while.

Rinse and dry.

3. Spray paint

Using spray paint that works on plastic, spray the bottle(s) and lid(s) in whatever color you like. I used Krylon which is sold at Walmart and home improvement stores.

Use several light layers, allowing for a bit of drying time between each. It took me about 3 coats, especially since the lids had words on them that took some work to get covered.

4. Add stickers

Allow the bottles a day to get really dry and ready to be handled. Add a sticker or several stickers to personalize. Voila!


Linda Corkins

Wednesday 22nd of November 2023

I love the idea of this. I belong to a Euchre Club and we pay a quarter if we get Euchred. Everyone seems to carry their quarters in a plastic sandwich bag or purse. I have mine in a slim little mason jar. I thought it would be a clever idea to convert my empty pill bottles or glucose tab bottles into a gift for members to carry their quarters. I'd label them Euchre pig food. We have penalty piggy banks at each table and the quarters are deposited into it when a team gets Euchred. At the end of the evening, the last person to have a successful loan hand gets the contents of the Penalty Pigs. Thanks for the idea.


Thursday 6th of June 2019

Wow....I just stumbled on this one today. Love this idea. My kids will be 15 and 12 when we travel in December, but even I enjoy the pressed pennies!


Wednesday 8th of October 2014

So where do you carry the coins once they are pressed while you are in the park?

Katharine Moore

Wednesday 8th of October 2014

Wish I had seen this before I bought and ate 3 containers of mini mms last week. Ok - no I don't - I enjoyed eating those mms! But I am glad I saw this before decorating the containers! Totally doing these instead!


Tuesday 26th of February 2013

I LOVE the idea - much better than stuffing the old coin rolls just to carry quarters for toll or whatnot. I almost hate to ask - but why are you carrying coins around WDW? What do you use them for?

Shannon Albert

Tuesday 26th of February 2013

Ha! I guess I never mentioned it. They're for pressed quarter and pressed penny machines.