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You’ve changed, Disney World – PREP184

You’ve changed, Disney World – PREP184

Disney World has changed a lot over the last couple of years. In this episode, I discuss some of those changes so you know how to adjust plans for your trips.

I also have a quick tip about saving on the Swan/Dolphin.


These are notes from this episode. There’s much more info included in the audio so be sure to listen to the episode for a better explanation.

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Links/notes mentioned in this episode

Quick tip of the day

Emailed from Ashleigh:
“I am a long-time podcast listener and was so excited to hear that you will be staying at the Dolphin during the same time that my husband and I will be at the Swan celebrating our anniversary in September! It made me think that I should share a tip on how we booked our room at the Swan for this trip. I was able to get a room there for $160/night using a Priceline Express Deal offer. This saved us $50 a night.

For anyone unfamiliar with that, Priceline offers significantly discounted rates on hotels without showing you the name of the hotel you are booking. Hotwire does this, as well. It is a risk, but I did some research and figured out that Disney hotels will be those described as being in the “Walt Disney World – Bonnet Creek” area. The Swan is the only one that is 4.5 stars so I knew that was what I would be getting. I also figured out that Disney hotels appear in these deals and you’ll know because a free airport shuttle is listed as an amenity. No other hotels in the “Walt Disney World – Bonnet creek area” offer free airport shuttles.

We really wanted to stay at the Yacht or Beach, but our trip was a last-minute idea for our anniversary and we needed to stay within a certain budget. This Priceline deal helped us do that while still getting something in the Boardwalk area near the Food & Wine Festival.”

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Megan Shontz

Monday 20th of August 2018

Well now I'm thrown! If you have 8am breakfast reservations that include passes for the nighttime show (Tusker House at AK for Rivers of Light and Hollywood and Vine at HS for Fantasmic), would you suggest keeping them to get the preferred seating for the show, or ditching them to have access to the rides before a 9am park opening?


Tuesday 28th of August 2018

following this!

Megan Shontz

Monday 20th of August 2018

We go in January 2019, if that makes a difference.